
Showing posts from November, 2014

Tomfoolery, 'saber-matie' ...

And the riot-mongers know how to go back on their promises made some six months ago, in the run-up to the polls. Actually they knew it all along. From containing price rise to bringing back black money stashed away in foreign banks and sundry other issues on which they were so very critical of their predecessors!!! Now just keep fanning the beast within..! Leave the rest to Time, and some manipulation as well. The 'sabre-matie', or for that matter any other X-press will do to  make it to the destination.  Only that our techie-literati, the glitterati included, and the so-called libertarians (who evidently take pride in their un-addled [or, sun-addled?] superiority of their brains) would never know this was what their tomfoolery led to. And now, as a corollary, the diktat-mongers too have a heyday, with their beards flowing and wagging all the way. 

Strifes ahead?

Rally, and then a counter rally of the fundamentalists, or rather the bigots from both the minority and majority blocs, and that too so quick in succession, are pointers to how things are going to shape up in the days to come vis-a-vis Bengal's political scenario. What havoc can parochialism wreak - we have, time and again, been witness to in the developments that have so often claimed so many lives, rocked the very foundation of humanity, held our values to ransom... And then u see, if of course u want to, how it was so different here not so long ago, in those 'bygone' days!