Viva la Cinderella, my Gaza Strip!

Jack, you know

Things change with the times
As changeth you along the lines

Me, cynic and atheist,
Non-believer; - have still some proxy wars to fight.
The credo now seems to falter
As never before.

Never before did you know
This much of gore.
Never before did you sow
Noxious weeds any more.
Never before did you wail this much,

Never before did she scream as such.

Never before did the child feel so lorn.

Still I've one more battle to fight
Long drawn, for those that wield their might
Must be shown the door ...

Promise me Jack, you'll be there
As you had been, tears afire,
Holding out, holding off the baton..

Paul too would be there, and so would Rip
Viva la Cinderella, my Gaza Strip!


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